Brooklyn Nine-Nine has become a beloved TV show since its debut in 2013. The series follows the detectives of the fictional 99th precinct of the NYPD as they solve crimes and navigate their personal lives. Along with its witty humor and diverse cast, Brooklyn Nine-Nine has also gained popularity for its merchandise collection.
Fans of the show can now bring a piece of the Nine-Nine into their own homes with a range of merchandise inspired by the show. From t-shirts to mugs to action figures, there is something for every fan to enjoy.
1. Jake Peralta’s “Cool Cool Cool” T-Shirt: One of Jake Peralta’s catchphrases on the show is “cool cool cool.” This t-shirt features his iconic phrase in bold lettering, making it a must-have for any fan of the character.
2. Rosa Diaz’s Leather Jacket: Rosa Diaz is known for her tough exterior and killer fashion sense. Fans can channel their inner badass with this replica leather jacket inspired by Rosa’s signature style.
3. Terry Jeffords’ Protein Powder Shaker: Terry Jeffords is all about fitness and staying in shape. This protein powder shaker allows fans to mix up their own drinks just like Terry does on the show.
4. Captain Holt Bobblehead: Captain Raymond Holt is known for his stoic demeanor and love of organization. This bobblehead captures his likeness perfectly, making it a fun addition to any desk or shelf.
5. Gina Linetti Enamel Pin Set: Gina Linetti may be sassy, but she always knows how to make an entrance. This enamel pin set includes various designs inspired by Gina’s quirky personality, perfect for adding some flair to any outfit.
6. Boyle Family Recipe Cookbook: Charles Boyle loves food almost as much as he loves Jake Peralta. This cookbook features recipes inspired by Boyle’s favorite dishes, allowing fans to whip up some delicious meals at home.
7. Noice & Smort Mug Set: Another one of Jake Peralta’s catchphrases is “noice & smort.” This mug set includes two mugs featuring these words in bold lettering, perfect for enjoying your morning coffee or tea.
Overall, the Brooklyn Nine Nine Merch merchandise collection offers something for every fan of the show to enjoy and cherish forever. Whether you’re looking for clothing, accessories, or collectibles, there is sure to be something that catches your eye from this diverse range of products inspired by one of TV’s most beloved comedies.